That Fateful Day

It was just like a normal day to me. I did my daily routine and got ready to go to school. As I got out of the vehicle, I felt like something weird was happening. As I walked into school, everyone was surrounding the oval, which was not normal because we are not allowed to play on the oval before school starts. I went up to my friend, Chloe and asked what was happening.
“ Someone left a note and blood in the middle of the oval.” she replied. I perred to the middle of the oval and the note wasn’t there, just blood.”Where is the note?” I asked with disbelief. “Danielle found the note and gave it to the teacher before anyone realised. Only Danielle who found the note and the teacher who got given it knows what’s on it.” I gasped in surprise and forgot about it.
At recess I was talking to Chloe. She was in the middle of replying until she just ran off somewhere. I thought that it was just choir so I didn’t really care. I was just walking around until I noticed that no one was around. I thought that the bell rang and no one told me. I’m death so I communicate through sign language
I turned around and I saw a man dressed in completely black from the beanie on of his head to the shoes on his feet. “ Hey girl, do you want to be hurt?” yelled the man. I couldn’t hear him, so I said nothing. He started running towards me, so I moved to the side and tricked him. I did that to him 2 more times, but he then figured out my trick. He started to lift me up, and I started to do acro,gymnastics and dance tricks to let him go.
After 5 minutes of hurting him, he was about to run again and I was about to do something to him. Then he ran when I wasn’t ready and lifted me up for around 2 minutes. Then he heard sirens and dropped me to the ground on my back and ran to the assembly area.
My back was hurting terribly and I got sent to the hospital. The man who hurted me was arrested and was sent to prison.I later found out that I broke my back, and I was now paralyzed from the waist down and I would be stuck with a wheelchair for the rest of my life.
A few months later my school found out that the man that hurt me had left the note and the person who found the note was working with him.Danielle who helped the man was kicked out of the school for working with someone who was affecting the school.
Since then I have gotten used to being in a wheelchair on a day to day basis. I finally got ear aids so I can hear the bells. That’s the end of my story.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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