Day At The Beach

Nothing could get better, I’m sitting here on my nice warm chair until something odd was going on and I couldn’t understand what it was. I’m looking around when I swung my arm and knocked over my cocktail onto a woman tanning next to my table. She is furious and started to chase me, I run and run until she is gone but that is when the real deal happens. There was a man in the water past the limit that YOU COULD SWIM! Everyone was panicking and I’m too busy trying to think of an idea, but my useless brain is no use to me and the man in the ocean starts to go further out. I see a jet ski on the road far away and decide it is my only option to use what it is actually for. I didn’t stop running until I reached the jet ski and when I did, I asked the owner to borrow it for a minute and he says I need to pay. There is a slight problem though, I don’t have my wallet with me. I run back quickly to my table with my wallet before the crazy man in the water drowned and died. I’ve got my wallet, I quickly run back to the jet ski guy and borrow it for 10 minute drive. I take it to the water and ask a random guy to help and he kindly does, so we take the jet ski to the water and start it up. I drive to the drowning man but he is sinking so I have to act fast. I drive full speed and reach him while he is underwater and grab him, put him on the vehicle and drive back to shore. It turns out he has a disability and can’t swim. As I return the jet ski to the man, he says I am overtime and I have to pay more money, but at least I have saved a life and I am the hero of today.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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