The 4 Brothers

Long ago in a land far away 4 poor brothers wished for riches and land and so they went on a journey for riches but let us see what fate has in store for them. “Jack! Help! Dave was arrested for stealing!” said John.
“That idiot” yelled Jack.
“What was so important that he had to steal something?” Silver said.
“Hurry we have to save him” yelled John.
Jack, Silver and John ran to the market to help Dave. They see Dave on the ground, Silver kicks one of the Guard’s in the groin. He grabs Dave they go to run but they are surrounded by knights. The knights force Silver, John and Jack to the ground. All of them are knocked unconscious Dave and Silver wake up in a dark cell they look around but John and Jack are nowhere to be seen. There are 2 beds in the cell and a toilet there are 2 guards at the door of the cell “where are my Brothers” screamed Dave but they get no reply from the guard’s Silver kicked the bars one of the guards said “shut up in there”. Silver tore the bed sheets into long strips he wrapped them around all of the window bars he whispered to Dave to “knock out the guards”. Dave grabbed both of the guard’s neck and broke them killing the two guards they pulled the bars off and jumped out the window and then the escape bell started ringing. “Two escaped prisoners no 1118 & no 1119 have escaped guards were running all over the place “but that’s not my number and it’s not yours either Dave” Silver whispered. Then in the distance they see John & Jack running from guard’s “We have to help them” Dave whispered Dave jumped from the ledge. “So reckless” Silver said he followed Dave down the ledge and then ran after Jack & John. They caught up “Dave, Silver you escaped too” John said Silver & Dave didn’t answer “the guards are caching up” silver said. Go faster “the gates are closing” Silver screamed then Dave shot an arrow right into the Gate gears stopping the Gates “were the hell did you get the bow from” John asked “I Stole it from the guards” Dave explained still running of course the 4 brothers ran out the gate “STOP!” yelled Silver “the way is blocked it’s a cliff crap” Jack said now the knights are here as well as guards “we’re surrounded again!” Silver said “I have a plan” Jack whispered “what is it” Dave whispered “JUMP!” Jack yelled all 4 of them jumped “craaaaaaaaaap” John yelled they hit the water hard “you all ok” Jack said “yeah” the other 3 said they swam to some rocks close by “it’s a cave” Silver said all 4 went in “find them” a distance man yelled “Crap are there already looking for us this soon.” Dave whispered “let’s go deeper were already trapped might as well” Silver whispered


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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