The $50 Million Bonanza!

Mia stared at the lotto ticket in shock. Mia had just won $50 million!!!!!!!!
‘But…what was Mia going to buy?’ She thought.
Mia thought and thought but she still didn’t know what to buy, so she set off on a journey. It looked like she had a big day ahead of her.
‘Where was she going to look first?’ Mia thought.
Just then Mia’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of music, playing in the distance.
‘Mmmm…’ Mia thought, ‘I’m pretty sure that’s an ice cream truck!?’ Mia contemplated the idea of buying millions of ice creams- but it’s a bit too cold for that. So she kept walking…
Then Mia noticed some bright lights coming from a shop ahead and decided to go to investigate. It was a shop selling televisions! Mia could buy a TV for every room in her house! But she decided that was silly and she wouldn’t be able use them all anyway. So she kept walking…
Soon Mia heard a loud sound, coming from the distance. She wondered what it could possibly be?! Then she realised that it was the sound of many animals, all crying out for some love and attention! Mia opened a nearby door to reveal an animal rescue shelter. She couldn’t believe it. Inside it was full of ten dogs and ten cats, all needing a home! This made Mia sad, so she decided to take the animals home and let them live in her backyard. Mia decided to name them: Roxy, Jake, Nicole, Andrew, Blake, Taj, Indy, James, Chelsea, Summer, Tim, Sophie, Jorden, Hayley, Mimi, Matilda, Melisa, Mel, Jacob and Kai.
Next Mia decided to purchase some pet supplies, so Mia got her Dad, Stephen, to drive her to the shops.
“Dad can we go to the pet shop?” Mia asked.
“Yes Mia,” Mia’s Dad replied.
Off they went to the pet shop. Mia and her Dad bought: collars that go around their necks, toys for them to play with, food for them to eat, bowls for them to eat out of and lots of pet beds and houses for dogs and cats. Mia was happy that the animals had a safe and comfortable home.
Mia was tired from her big day setting up all her new furry friends, so she went to her colourful bedroom and put on her favourite unicorn pyjamas and went to bed.
Mia woke to beautiful sunshine. She had, had a wonderful dream and she had a great idea of what she wanted to do with her left-over lotto money.
First, she made choc chip pancakes. They were delicious and she ended up making two lots of pancakes. When Mia had finished eating her pancakes, she brushed her teeth with her teeth whiting, black charcoal toothpaste, put on her unicorn t-shirt and light blue skinny jeans, and set off to carry out her big idea.
Mia had decided to give the money to the homeless people she had seen in the city.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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