Teleporting Monkeys

I bet you think this story will start like /once upon time / or a / gigantic explosion / but no, this is no ordinary story, this story is full of theft, teleporting, bad guys, treasure and monkeys. Yes monkeys! You’re probably thinking monkeys, what’s the point of monkeys? Well these monkeys are special, as you’re just about to find out …
Day 1
This is where the story starts in the Amazon:
Hi, I’m Quintin and yes I’m a monkey, but that shouldn’t change the way you think of me. Anyway, this is where I live in a tree. It doesn’t look like much but its ok I guess and this is my family, my dad Carl, mum Cheryl, and brother Max. Max is older than me and is really annoying, like he leaves banana peels out the front of my room and he just pushes me around, and one time I woke up hanging from my feet on the tallest tree, highest branch. Who does that to someone?
My dad, he’s always trying to get me to be more tough and strong, but to be honest I would rather die. I’m not like a normal chimp who wants to fight everyone and destroy things. I like to explore new areas of the jungle and hang out with my friends, like Bob the Bird. He’s really small, but he’s a great guy to talk to, but he does get annoying sometimes.
Well I think that’s enough about me, how about we start the story…


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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