
The only sound that Domino could hear was the sound of water swirling around his ears. He spread his large white wings and burst above the surface of the water and took large, long breaths. It wasn't long before the current dragged him back down. He kicked his legs and fought to get to the surface. Lavender petals were rushing around him, blocking his view with nothing but a deep purple. He felt a branch hit him in the stomach and grabbed onto it. He pulled himself out of the water and gasped for air. He climbed to the end of the branch and lunged onto the shore and coughed up water. Then opened his eyes slowly and saw lavender petals surrounding him. He got up and dragged himself to the shore. Domino choked on his spit when he saw the water. It was clear. With his wings wet and soggy, he couldn't fly. He turned around and limped into the undergrowth, forcing his way past. Domino soon collapsed into a clearing. He curled up into a ball and wrapped his wings around himself, his ebony black hair shining in the faint moonlight. He took one last look at the moon, the corners of his eyes were pricked with tears, before he fell into a deep slumber.
Domino slowly unwrapped his wings from around him and got up. He stretched and heard his arms making satisfying pops, before the pain hit him like a slap in the face. He whimpered and doubled over, his wings curled up neatly behind his back. He slowly straightened his back and took small steps forward. Domino spread his wings and flapped them rapidly until he was flying neatly over the trees. He frowned and glanced down as he heard faint wing-beats. He shrugged it off as a bird until he felt feet on his back. He spun round and soaked up what his attacker looked like. He had dark black wings with short, blonde hair with white eyes. He gulped and dived into the forest. Domino ducked behind a tree and heard the man laughing "Oh, Domino! Come out, come out, before I find you!" He risked peeking behind the tree and instantly regretted it. Domino fell to the ground as he was punched in the face. He quickly got up and cried in pain. "Found you!" The man giggled. Domino kicked the man in the shin and jumped back. The man growled and swung a fist at him. He ducked and gave the man an uppercut. The man stumbled back and Domino spun around and dashed forwards, quickly spreading his wing and taking off. He didn't fly above the trees and instead flew riskily near the ground, ducking and spinning to dodge the trees and shrubs. Gradually the wing beats stopped and Domino flew down and tucked his wings behind his back. He sighed and sat down, knowing he was safe.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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