How I Realised That I Was A Witch

I was 3 years old and walking in the woods with my Mum. My Mum and Dad are muggles. My Dad was a tradie near where we live, and Mum worked at a food store. We were a happy muggle family and lived in a cute little cottage which was surrounded by a peaceful forest.
On that particular day it was beautiful outside and so we were walking in the woods collecting toadstool. Suddenly I heard the*** sound of talking above me. I looked up. Out of nowhere I saw a bunch of flying witches and wizards. I thought to myself this was a bit strange. I’ve never seen people flying before and I thought it was cool. But were the witches and wizards real or was I imagining things.
When I was 7 years old something weird happened again on the day of New Year's Eve. Mum and Dad were really excited and so was I as the new year was about to begin. I was watching the New Year’s TV when Mum called me to set the table. As I moved to the kitchen, to get the plates, I caught sight of some witches and wizards flying in the air outside the window just like that time when I was 3 years old walking in the woods. Why am I seeing them? Is something wrong or am I just imagining things again?
I am now 11 years old. It’s my second last year of primary school and I will soon begin the new school year. One morning me and my family are sitting down having breakfast. The weather is warm and sunny and so the windows to the outside are opened. All of a sudden an owl with a letter in its beak comes flying through the window and perches down on the breakfast table.
“What is this? What’s going on? I don’t know. I have no clue... WHY IS THERE AN OWL HERE?…”
I look onto the letter. It is addressed to me. I nervously open the envelope. I am shaking.
I read it and find out some unexpected and exciting news.
I am a witch!
Oh my Gosh I cannot believe it!
I am a witch!
I am invited to a magic school. It is called Hogwarts.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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