VIolin Through Time

Hannah Gray is a tall, blonde haired girl who loved playing her violin. One day Hannah was in her room when she started to play her new violin, but as soon as she played her first note something odd happened. The second she played her first note she felt herself being sucked through what felt like a tube. When the sensation stopped she found herself in the exact same room except that all there was in there was a bed, cupboard and desk. All her belongings were gone. Confused as she’d ever be she walked down stairs to where she could hear voices.

As Hannah walked closer to the kitchen she realised that the voices were unfamiliar. She could make out two adult voices and three children’s voices. Hannah could hear voices yelling ‘Annabelle, Lilianne and Marcus Finch. What were you thinking. Hannah was very confused. She pushed the door open and everybody stared at her. The lady walked up to Hannah and asked if she was lost. Hannah was confused and dazed so the lady, whom told Hannah she could call her Mrs Finch. Hannah laid down in the room which looked remotely like hers and slowly fell asleep as her eyes flickered shut.

The next morning when Hannah woke up she walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Mrs Finch had made her breakfast, so Hannah sat down with the other children. After breakfast the three children left for school and Mr Finch left for work, Hannah sat down across from Mrs Finch. When Mrs Finch asked Hannah her name and Hannah answered ‘Hannah Grey’ Mrs Finch nearly choked. Hannah asked what was wrong and Mrs Filch explained that her maiden name was Hannah Gray but since she was married it changed to Hannah Finch. Hannah was freaked out, so they started asking each other questions about their childhood. They finally figured out that they are the same person.

All day both Hannahs’ were trying to think up ideas to get Hannah junior back to her era. Neither of them had any idea of how to get her back to her usual life. By the time the three children arrived home from school the Hannahs’ were exhausted. The children asked what they did that day and when Mrs Finch replied the kids had a few questions. Marcus then asked how Hannah got to this era. When Hannah replied by playing her new violin, Lilianne and Annabelle asked if Hannah could just play her violin again. Hannah agreed and ran upstairs to retrieve her violin. When she was back in the dining room she went to play the same thing that she did when she got sucked in the first time. Hannah felt the sucking sensation that her body was squeezed through a tube again and several seconds later she was back in her room.

She never told he parents this of course. Hannah treasured the violin that took her into the future, forever, but never used it again.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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