Make A Change For Better

As I type up this story,
I’m not thinking of glory.
I want a chance to express how I feel,
And maybe my thoughts will feel real.
Give everyone a chance,
And give them a gleaming smile and a glance.
This story is simple,
And I wish for it to make more than a dimple.
I just want everyone to know,
That we are all amazing and each one of us glows.
Every child, teen and adult is a piece to our puzzle,
A puzzle of the Earth, so could everyone just give each other a cuddle!
So what is this stupid thing we call war,
So many innocent lives are lost, so just stop it, no more.
As this simple story comes to a close,
Just think about the decision you chose.
The decisions that shape us into who we are,
The ones that can tell us the type of things to near or far.
We can’t change horrible peoples minds,
But we definitely can make a change in their lives.
So that maybe they think before they hurt,
Or that maybe they love and realise that their hearts not burnt.
Maybe they can think,
Realise what they were just about to do in a blink.
And then innocent people will be safe,
And there will be no such word as strafe.
People can be horrible and mean
But we can fix this with other people that are wonderful and gleam.
Nothing’s set in stone,
Words don’t become as hard as bones.
But if you say something horrible and rude,
Just know that it came from you and not just because you were in a mood.
I imagine a world that is love and care,
Why do we turn on each other and snare.
Racism should be gone,
We are one race it’s be like that since the first dawn.
Terror should be banished,
And then be vanished.
I wish people could see were I’m coming from,
I’m called crazy but I stay strong.
I do believe the world is one,
People need to start seeing that we don’t need a gun.
We don’t need a weapon to make us strong,
We are powerful and we all belong.
If ever the world is in massive chaos,
Think about what we are all made of.
Think about how we are all humans,
Or otherwise the world will come to ruins.
It angers me to see people hate,
Say hello and be someone’s mate.
There will be people you don’t like,
But try be kind and talk about all the things you both dislike.
I don’t want to be saying don’t do this or that,
But it’s came this far this hate and trepidation that people turn to combat.
Listen to what activists say,
They aren’t fighting to just be forgotten and fade away.
I hope you’ve learnt what the world is becoming,
I don’t want you to comfort me I want you to panic and see what’s coming.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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