The Fire Storm

My name is Ash, this morning I woke up to a terrible fright…
CRASH! BANG! I jumped out of my bed as if a dog had just had its tail stepped on, I rushed into my parent’s room and went under their covers and huddled into a ball. “It’s ok” assured my Mum placing her hand on my back, “it’s just thunder.” Mum’s voice calmed my insides, like hot soup on a cold day. Within seconds another CRASH of thunder rumbled the sky like an earthquake, my dog Ross started barking as if he had just seen a flock of birds. “Ash, back to bed!” Yelled my grumpy Dad. I stumbled back to bed sleepily, as it was 2am. I fell asleep as fast as a baby.
“Ash, Ash!” I woke up again but this time Mum was shaking me. “What, is it?” I mumbled. “RUN TO THE CAR” yelled Mum panicking. “WHAT, WHY!?” My heart started racing, ‘thump, thump, thump’, what was going on? “The lightning has started a fire a kilometre away from us” my Mum said nearly crying. I ran out the door as fast as my feet could go without falling off. I could feel the fire on the tip of my fingers, it was getting closer, my heart was racing…
I woke up, I could hardly see, I was dizzy, I felt like I had just been on a round-a-bout for 24 hours straight. “Ash!?” Called a soft voice. I could only just speak, “Mum?” Mum put her hand on my forehead, my vision cleared up, then I sat up as slow as a turtle. We were in the car, driving away from the fire, my soul cooled down when I realised, I was safe, “What happened to me?” I asked. “You collapsed when the fire came within 30 meters, then Ross, your dog carried you out of the fire by your shirt!” Replied Mum. I love my dog. Suddenly my heart dropped, it started beating faster and faster, “WE LEFT THE DOG AT THE HOUSE! IS THE FIRE STILL GOING?!” I screamed, Dad turned the car around, the tires screeched, it sounded worse than fingernails down a chalk board. “YES, THE FIRE IS STILL GOING!” Dad yelled.
Within 15 minutes we were back home, I jumped out of the car, the fire was still blazing with rage, our house was starting to burn down, a piece of timber dropped onto the ground with a bang, I looked everywhere for my dog calling his name, “Ross, Ross”, when suddenly I heard yelping coming from a timber pile. I saw his head poke out from the pile, I jumped over the fire. “ASH NO!” Called Mum concerned, but I would do anything for my dog, another piece of timber dropped, but I managed to free him from the pile, I put him in my arms and escaped from the fire, “I love my dog Ross.”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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