Fire Like Smoke

The words came as fire as he spoke to mother the smoky trail lead from the fire that had escaped though in his eyes he seemed almost sorry as they dropped as sadden but his words did not the pictures of fun and happy times run through my mind smiles and laughter turn to storm fire and smoke as I remember that I am here not there the past the happy past to the threatening future no smiles anymore just silence and fire quarrels unhappiness fills the air and I am sadden by the thought that I we will never be happy again. I begin to cry the tear will not stop the flow like a river I don’t more or make a noise they come in a great quantity I want to go I tell my self but I can not I plead with myself but I cannot move I’ve seen enough I want to curl up I want to pretend this is not true but it is I want to run father has seen me now I stop crying and turn slowly walking to my room I can hear my father but I don’t what to hear anymore I don’t want to see.
I woke to the smell of something sweet I walk to the kitchen mother is there but father is not I look at the floor “ Where is your uniform” I put it on a and leave as fast as I can I don’t care who worries or cares I walk to school everyone is so happy but I am not my friend don’t say hi and no one talks to me and when I sit people laugh I run to the bathroom and look in the mirror there is nothing wrong with me there just being mean.
Later that day I go shopping with mother an old lady sits staring at me I feel insecure I don’t want to be impolite so I do the occasional side stare mother notices my discomfort but think that I am a mad man I can tell she byes me food and sends me out side to sit and eat she is tired of shopping with me so I do as I am told the lady speaks “ruff times at school today” I stare wide eyed then remember my manners I blink in my own discomfort “can you put this in bin” I do as I am asked she smiles I finish my food and hurry in to my mother but she needs more help I slowly enjoy helping her I like this helping those who need it she gave me nothing but the joy of help and for a second I think I shall have supper powers but no just joy fills me with my own superpower.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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