
A young middle aged teacher that has brown dashing eyes, blonde beautiful hair and can see the future, Miss Carol stood nervously in front of her students.

It was the first day at university for Miss Carol to teach her new class Miss Carol was getting ready but just as she had touched a jumper that she had got from a Op Shop she had a dreadful vision. She saw a lady get hit by a car but she didn't see the ladies face to be exact so Miss Carol had thought that, that lady might be herself so she was going to be extremely careful all of that day.

Miss Carol said to her class that were being extremely naughty, “Quiet please. Quiet please. Class its time to start our social studies test.” She had noticed a new boy that did not understand the work that she gave him and she walked towards him but less than two metres away she had a vision she saw a little boy running around and around in circles. Miss Carol did not know what her vision meant so she ignored that vision.

Miss Carol would describe Toby as not very bright, he took a long time to respond to questions and Toby had a metal hand on left side of his body and bye the looks of Toby he did not look very friendly.

At lunch Miss Carol had to be on duty for lunch so she walked around the school and she saw Toby picking a fight with some other boys so Miss Carol interrupted and said, “Stop this instant.” As she said that she had a vision but she did not see the vision because she had fallen to the ground and had hurt her head so they called an ambulance to come see if Miss Carol was alright. The ambulance said that she needed to take it easy so she did.

That night she had a headache. Miss Carol was in pain and she could not stand it. She thought that she might have had a blood clot in her brain from falling down onto the ground so Miss Carol went to the hospital to see if that was her problem.

Miss Carol was waiting at the hospital for about two and a half hours to get a result from her doctor. The doctor came out of the examining room and went straight to the waiting room and he started to talk to her but noticed that she was not breathing so he rushed Miss Carol to the emergency room and tried to bring her back. He tried one more time and he had brought her back to life.

Miss Carol had never had anymore visions after she had a brain clot and she had thanked her doctor for saving her life.

The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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