
My father always told me I took others scars meaning I always got hurt around other people so I learnt to stay away and mind my own business. It took a while for me to adjust but it worked out eventually. Not everyone’s life is perfect, people make fun of others and dislike them. They will have had many scares like the boy they liked in 6th grade or the person they miss the most in their life, you could fear your own words sometimes, your mum might have told you wounds turned into beautiful scars then healed after time. Overtime these people learnt that they need to confront their fears and which ones that they needed to overcome. Though some of the words they will remember as they stuff their head under the pillow on the floor of their room, but when they looked in the mirror they were still the same person that they were born as, which you should be happy about.

You shouldn’t dwell on the past but look forward and that’s how you became the happiest person in the entire world. Everyone makes a difficult decision in life as long as it holds nothing against you. Not many people fail at the life they want to live but if you do, you just have to remember you are the only person that can guide yourself in your own life, decide your own way you want to live, not everyone keeps their life the same but they change it over and over again.

Your life resembles a sun flower and once you find love and succeed you mission you bloom, but in your journey, you decide to add more and more things to your life and that’s how you get bigger and stronger along the way, to overcome your fears and make new goals in your life. Your flowers thorns are your painful memories but they will fade and drop to the ground, and it gives you a chance to be you. Though you will never forget any of your memories good or bad, big or small, they would just float to the back of your mind and speak when you need to remember those times.

The scars come first, then the scar of yourself and your past, followed by the miracle in your life, but the most important thing you remember is the deeper meaning of your memories, love, hurt and the fact that you were given a life that you love to live. Some scars offer an opportunity of hope and encouragement as others may leave a loss or pain behind, but you will always cherish them. We don’t want people to think poorly of others but to be inspired by their creations or ideas that they may leave behind them.

People never whine about their scars, they share their wounds that have already turned into scars and this guides them in life as it will guide you as well.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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