The First Doomsday Part 1

Kaboom! The town woke up in an instant. No one knew what just happened. It was a close call for me. It looked like a plane crashed into a field nearby. It looks like a ATR 142 with lots of people onboard.

Hi I'm john and I'm 35, I work for the ‘The National Safety Transportation Board’ (NTSB). But this case was new. I approached the wreak with caution. What I saw was terrible.

I got my gun out, just in case. Then something approached me. It was continuously saying brains brains. So I knew it was a zombie, so I shot it twice in the head.

As the zombies started pouring out of the wreck I ran out of ammo. “Dang it I should have brought more ammo”. Luckily a steam train is about to leave the town. I told everyone to get on the train. Everyone was on except Brad, Tom, Riley, Ian and I because the train was full.

After the train left, we went to the the hunting store. We equipped ourselves with guns, ammo, armour, food and water to survive in the wilderness for at least a year. But we need to know how to build shelters.

We have been in the wild for almost a year and we need to find out what happened so we went back to the crash site and saw a Radioactive tank no wonder the zombies started on the plane then we saw another one. Then we sealed the leaks on the tanks. “But what do we do about all the zombies. We have to make an antidote to put on the bullets.” I said.
Tune in for the next chapter and find out how they make the antidote.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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