The Adventures Of Mr Blah Blah


Once upon a time, there was an ordinary man. He was so ordinary that he was nicknamed Mr Blah Blah.

He did EVERYTHING normally. Get out of bed at an ordinary time, eat an ordinary breakfast, brush his ordinary teeth, and have an ordinary shower. Then he went to his ordinary work. His job was so ordinary that when he told people about his day they forgot straight away. When he got home, he had his ordinary dinner and went to bed at an ordinary time.

It all started again the next day, but the day after that was different. He got out of bed, had his breakfast, and for a change he read the newspaper. He discovered that the school holidays had been cancelled! He had two ordinary kids that went to school and they loved the school holidays.

This was terrible!
He had to do something.

So that afternoon, he did. He went out in his ordinary clothes and went to the closest school he knew, which was his kids’ school. It was only a few streets away, so it didn’t take him long to get there. He was going to play a trick on the teachers.

He thought about the trick on his way there. He would need powers, which is not ordinary! He had two. They were being so boring that he was invisible, and being really interesting.

When he arrived, he sneaked into the staff room. He started being really boring, and he became invisible. He quickly snatched the plans to ruin the children’s school holidays and ran out the door before anyone noticed the sound of the paper being ripped and scrunched into a ball.

He ran back to the school entrance as a rubbish truck was coming past. Mr Blah Blah decided to be really interesting. He started acting like a monkey. The driver stopped and stared. Then Mr Blah Blah kicked the piece of paper right into the rubbish truck. Then he rescued the Preps, year 1s, 2s and 3s. He came back to get the year 4s, 5s and 6s. He was stuck with 320 children to look after. He had to call all of the children’s parents one by one. It took a looooooooooong time, but in about five hours he had gotten all the children back to their families except for his kids, who he brought home AFTER he had picked up a newspaper with his face on the front.

There was nothing more to worry about. Well, ‘till the end of the school holidays, anyway.

THE END (for now).


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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