New Beginnings

They say that the impossible can be achieved if only you believe. And yet, there was once a time in my life where I thought to question that saying, but in the end, the saying became true and it changed me. Perhaps our world needs more believers, because only then that we would not otherwise see in the absence of hope we can truly open our eyes to the phenomenal things surrounding us.

It happened as if the memory was stuck in slow motion. As I watched myself slowly and nervously walked to the podium. I could just feel the anticipation, that I was hoping for. The feeling of failure and regret was something I seemed to be scared of, back in those days. As I walked onto the stage, I turned to face the audience. It was at that moment, in that exact time, that I was able to realise that maybe, just maybe, I could do it. I could face my fear and help those surrounding me smile. My heart elevates at the sight of seeing myself look back at those people because they weren’t just anyone, they were my family who I loved, thrived around and cared for.

If there was one way I could help, it would be to try my best and believe. With one last glance at the audience, the past me seemed strengthened and started the speech. At first, as I spoke, I talked as loud and as passionate as I could, taking in the attention of those who passed by. Throughout the speech, a tingling sensation filled my whole body with the joy of being able to stand up for those who were close to me. As I spoke, I talked with courage, determination and genuinity. To be able to stop those around me from getting hurt than they already were, is something I would do. Even, if that causes me to make a sacrifice.

Though I have the fear of talking in front of others, my other biggest pain would be to see those around me get hurt.
I wouldn’t… be able to handle it, is what I thought, when I was talking.
A tear, visible to the audience slid down my cheek. When the speech ended, I awaited for the audience’s reaction. The loud clapping, cheering and whistling is something I would remember forever. I can still hear the sound to this day. But the most memorable moment were the happy faces of my warm-hearted family. Their eyes brimming with tears, as they rushed forward to hug me.

I am not the person I used to be scared and afraid of failure and regret. Now I embrace failure as an old friend and I don’t believe in the word regret. I've finally found extraordinary people who can make me laugh when I’m unhappy, smile and who'll stay by my side forever.

I promise that I’ll always be there to protect them, for they are my family, and I am theirs.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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