Hi, I’m Tom and I have a sister called Annie, but I am older than her though.
We have a pet monkey called Coconut. Our Mum and Dad died when we moved up here from. They died from fright! The storm it was so intense.
So now it is just me, Annie and Coconut. When we had our Mum and Dad we were billionaires. We were the richest people around.
When we lost our Mum and Dad we also lost our money too. So we had to move into this house.
We live on an island by the way.
We got to the island by finding a little row boat. My sister and I had to row all the way here!
So on the day that this story begins I just said to my sister “on this day last year our Mum and Dad died”
We go over to their graves that my sister and I made for them. But then their graves moved. I said to my sister “Did you see that?”. “See what?” said Annie.
“Their graves just moved.” Annie stepped back away from the graves as I did too.
Again it moved. That is when me and my sister saw it. Heads were coming out of the graves. The head turned around , it was Mum and Dad. “ Run Annie!” I screamed “Run” I repeated.
Three two one go!
We ran as fast as we could away from our parents, never have I been so scared. Especially from our Mum and Dad. I had always wished our Mum and dad would come back to us, but now I was beginning to regret it.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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