That's Fishy

I woke up early in the morning on a very special day. It was my birthday!

I got up and I was bracing myself for a big happy birthday but all I got was, “Sophie, it's your turn to do the dishwasher!” Well, that's fishy!

I got dressed but I couldn't find my shoes in their usual spot. I looked everywhere and in the end, I found them in the bathroom. But how? “That’s fishy!” I thought.

I put my shoes on to go to school. When I arrived at school I was sad because I knew we would have Maths in the morning. As I walked into class, my teacher Miss Blue said “Free time all day, students!”. “That’s fishy!” said my friend Jennifer.

At lunchtime, the strangest thing happened. It started raining in the middle of summer! “Eeeek!” I screamed. “This is so fishy!”

After a weird day where everyone forgot my birthday, I walked home alone. Even when I walked into the house, nobody was there. Do you know what I thought? “This is so, so fishy.”

After walking around the empty house, I decided to go outside. Suddenly I heard a great sound... “Happy birthday, Sophie!!!” I was so excited. All of my family and friends were there. They gave me my presents which were two fish. I named them Astro and Astrid.

“Now that’s really fishy!”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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