Save The Planet!

Imagine a world much like this one, in which, thanks to segs-selection technologies, the average IQ is 140. Potential Einsteins are one-in-a-thousand, not one-in-a-million; and they grow up in a school system suited to the sharpest intellectual mind. Calculus is routinely taught in sixth grade. Albert Einstein’s work no longer seems exceptional. Several modern top-flight physicists have made equivalent breakthroughs, and life changing discoveries are a regular occurrence.

Our modern society has evolved into something new, something better. Today, instead of learning how to fix globing warming it is a topic we learn from the history books. Imagine, 246 years ago we were told as a united world that if we don’t change how we run our earth it would die. Now, we are clean and green.

Does this sound plausible to you? Under the optimist lens it may be. We do have the smarts, the intelligence and the scientists, however, common sense was forgone in Pursuit of intellectual stardom and recognition. This is said to be the era of ‘rise of warmth’. This is the common term used to cushion the desperation of what our reality is. It has been predicted that this could be the last living year on earth.

Yes, we have had warnings, yes we could have done something about it... 3 generations ago! Our great-great grandparents had our lives on their shoulders, however, they decided to abuse the ‘system’, abuse our earth and our home, destroy it. They disappointed us. We call them the generation of the destruction.

So yes, we had warnings but nothing was done. 80%. 80% of our worlds people are scientists, physicists or mathematicians, yet, our feet burn and blister as we put our toes on the crumbly earth beneath our feet. We inhale and exhale and with that our chests burn with the full force of heat going down our body. UV rays thrashes our skin to a point where we burn. We have the intelligence, the smarts and the power, but why have we not saved our beloved planet? A world full of qualified intelligent people and what have we done?

In our last months, weeks, days and hours, I write this journal in the hope that the human race will start again and can reflect on the mistakes of their ancestors. I am hopeful that they will put the greater good before self gain and treat their planet with respect. Without a healthy planet we will cease to exist .


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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