March 2020

First, there was speculation about the virus but we didn't know the extent of it, likening it to the flu. Then, the reports came rolling in that COVID-19 is more than a joke to be laughed at during school hours and household get-togethers.

Places began shutting down left, right, and centre. Masks and gloves are donned and almost become everyday apparel.

China doesn't reveal the extent of the impact the virus has taken on their country, keeping all information under wraps and behind closed doors - quite literally, as they weld doors shut to force residents to isolate themselves and stay put in an attempt to control the rapid spread of the virus, and allowing no reporting or journalism to get through to warn other countries what is to come.

Then, supermarkets become warzones and people are literally fighting for toilet paper and other ‘necessities’; rice and pasta becoming an increasingly popular pantry item. Borders to countries are closed, people are being told to wash their hands and avoid contact with other people, and social distancing restrictions are enforced.

Businesses are becoming ever more susceptible to shutting down and becoming out of pocket.

Stock prices are plummeting to record lows.

Schools are closing; the educational system that operates to teach our children is cancelled.
Universities are closing, and all ‘non-essential’ travel is banned, with state borders of Australia closing - in a nation that is always fluent with travel and tourism.

Airlines are going broke, sport across the nation is cancelled.

Lives are being lost every second, the death toll continues to rise. The statistic growing endlessly without people acknowledging that it's actually a greater issue than the flu, until it's too late and they lose someone they care about at the hands of this deadly virus.

Livelihoods are being threatened.

Cruise Ships forced to turn around, some left stranded with nowhere to dock, hospitals becoming overwhelmed and the government doing all they can to flatten the curve.

The only word you hear on any radio station or tv channel is Coronavirus, nowhere to escape, but there shouldn't be, because we all need to understand the enormous impact this disease is having on our society.

We are fearing for our high risk categories, the loved ones we can't afford to lose, doing things at any cost to protect them, without thinking that there are other people from other families just like them who are being affected just the same.

I would say that I came across something in my travels, but as non-essential travel has been banned and almost all of my regular day-to-day activities have been cancelled so I have basically been stuck at home, so I will say that I read a quote that I find very relatable and wanted to share with you and let you think about. It reads, “can't believe I’m witnessing history textbook content in real life”.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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