The 9th Life

I breathed in, letting the pure air fill my lungs. Tiny crystals danced on the water, making glow like a disco ball. Hawks cawed through the whipping wind that tousled my hair, making it hard to see. But I didn’t care, I felt freer and stronger than I’d ever felt.
“C’mon” I yelled. I want to swim, dive of those rock and feel the water engulf me. Cal joined me and we raced towards the rocks. Shrubs clawed at my skin, sand crumbled beneath my shoes. We were like mountain goats, dancing to the rhythm of nature. It was steep climb, Cal bet me to the rocks by a mile. I staggered to the edge, and let my gaze drop. My breath caught in my throat as I stare at the scene be for me. It was like a perfect oil painting, frozen in time, caught on a camera. About to be ripped into a million pieces be nature’s enemy. Cal didn’t see the beauty, just the refreshment. He grinned at me “Adios Señorita” he called before executing a perfect backflip.
I laughed as the water erupted like a blow hole, raining down all around me. “Nice one!” Cal broke the water and yelled. If I had been paying attention I might have notice that he was struggling and needed help.
But I didn’t, I just jumped right in. That’s me, always jumping into the unknown without thinking.
My arms slid through the water like a knife through butter, it was cool and refreshing. As I turned to brake the surface, I realised that water might have been calm up top, but below it was a raging black monster that had me in its coils.
I burst through the air. Water pouring into my mouth and nose, squeezing down my throat trying to suffocate me. I yelled. I think. I’m not sure because I sunk again. Fear pressed against my heart, as I pulsed for the taunting sun glistening out of reach. I twisted and turned, being pushed and pulled by the current that had me controlled.
Is this what it is like to drown? I couldn’t see, breath or hear. My precious air was escaping like tiny transparent pearls, spiralling up towards the freedom I longed for.
A splash? Nearby? Or was that just me? I wasn’t sure. Mum’s words came flooding back to me, I had never listen to them before. They were always just like a record player, going round and round. ‘Aubree! Look before you fall and you’ll stay alive’.
I never really knew how important those words were. I always ran ahead, pushing the limits as far as I could. People called me The Cat because I’d survived so many ordeals. I’d never thought I could die………..until now. Was my old impulsive nature going to determine my fate?
I thought I knew the answer.
Suddenly a sharp wave of pain shattered through my body. Knocking me completely out of balance. It pulsed and lingered for about three seconds before I was plunged into darkness. Twisting, falling, I submerged beneath the deceiving waves.
I didn’t see the arms just out of reach…….


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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