Magic Mirror

It was a dark and cold night. Jasmine was in the attic. The flashlight in
her sweaty palm slipped and landed on to the floor. As she bent
down to pick it up, she hit her head on something hard. After she
had picked the flashlight up Jasmine looked around and found that in
front of her was an old mirror. It had a gold frame with flowers and
vines engraved and beside it was a slightly old book. The pages were
stained and written in big, black letters it said Rapunzel.

The mirror suddenly started shaking rapidly. Jasmine was swept up in
the air with the book still in her hand. As she closed her eyes the
shaking stopped. Jasmine felt soft, tufts of grass under her feet. She
slowly opened her eyes and in front of her was a beautiful field of
flowers. “Hello’’ said a small voice. Jasmine reluctantly looked down
and realised her bag was talking to her. “Look up” the bag said
calmly. A sparkly piece of paper landed in her hands. It read:
Find Rapunzel and save her from the witch and bring her back to the
palace. Just Remember this bring hair back before it starts to rain, or
you will be stuck until it stops.
Jasmine took a long time to comprehend this so bag told her to get
going. She put the book in bag for safe keeping.

Jasmine followed the map to a forest. The bag told her the directions
to the tower. It was tall and it had thorny vines growing all over it so
there was no way to climb it. She took the Rapunzel book out of her
bag and skipped through some pages. “It’s behind the bush” she said
unexpectedly. She ripped the bush off the door and ran up the
staircase. Jasmine and bag entered the room. The walls were painted
beautifully and sitting on the window seal singing was Rapunzel.
“Hello”. Rapunzel turned around and was about to hit Jasmine with a

pan, but Jasmine showed her the book and explained everything.
Rapunzel and Jasmine had made an amazing plan. “Rapunzel let
down your hair!” cried the witch. Rapunzel let down her hair but as
the witch climbed Jasmine cut the long, silky hair and she fell and
turned into a pile of black ash.

Jasmine brought Rapunzel back to the royal palace and the King,
Queen and the lost daughter were together again. A strong gush of
wind blew Jasmine back to the attic. As she stared in to the magic
mirror the reflection of herself turned in to the field of flowers and
big droplets of rain fell. The image faded. She had done it; she had
helped Rapunzel and made a new friend.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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