Jeffo - The Miraculous Banana

Today I’am going to tell you a miraculous story and it is so a true story well I guess you can be the judge of that. So let me tell you…

One day I was walking to School, I am in Grade 3 by the way, and I stumbled across a red box that said !!!STOP DON’T OPEN!!! Written in big big capital letters on the top. Without thinking I threw it on the ground and just like that the top broke. I instantly peeked in.
The first thing I saw was a book like note pad that had the name of the writer, Dave Mello, on it. When I opened the book the first page said….

1. The experiment
I am doing an experiment that involves stem cells and progenitor cells. I’am trying to make a human body out of them. It will probably be an epic fail but if it isn’t it will be pretty cool. Actually way cool. Ok. I have a patient and total body radiation starts. This is known as T.B.I. that is used for treatments such as for leukemia. I’am ready…

2 hours later.
I did it I made the impossible happen but it’s not a human body it’s a banana with legs, arms and a face? WHAT?

2. The B things behaviour

Ok we left off with a bit of bad thing happening, well maybe not that bad. But it didn’t work as I thought it would and I still don’t know how it didn’t work. Well I did say it will probably be an epic fail.
Well is it? Ok ok well now we got this thing. So the B (that’s what I’m calling him). Everytime he says something he says 5 random words before he says anything but if those 5 words rhythm he continues with what he wanted to say but if they don’t rhythm he stops talking. Despite this weird behaviour he is pretty smart.

3. The B things powers
I’ve gotten to know the B thing and I’ve made up a name for him Jeffo. It’s not the best name but I guess it suits a living banana, that has arms and legs that a crazy mad scientist made. Ok so Jeffo’s powers. So one of those powers is never dying, well he’s made of stem cells.
Number 2 he is really flexible.
Number 3 like I said really smart.
Number 4 pretty fast.
Number 5 and the most crazy thing I’ve seen in my life, especially for a little guy, is that he is strong, actually really strong!!!

It’s been a few weeks looking at this miraculous banana. you would think at the end of all this I would be proud of my miraculous thing. But no I’m not, l had a dumb theory that I would make a human body and accidently made a banana with arms and legs so yeah not that proud. You would think if I love Jeffo why would I leave him in a box, all alone, well that’s a different story… for now please just keep good care of him please he can misbehave sometimes so in the wrong hands it won’t be good at all and don’t make money with him.

WHAT!!!! Rung in my head as I thought ….Where is it? I must be dreaming!!! Then I thought ok what if this is true ? Let me see if Jeffo the banana is here.
As I looked in the red box, I jumped back in shock. Oooohhhh so it is true. I kind of think it’s cute. What? what am I thinking… it’s a monster. I mean a banana with legs, arms and a face?
It sees me, it … smiles? What should I do? I smile back. Then it stands up and starts to climb out of the box, really really fast. It is coming at me, is it friendly, what has it got in its hand?
Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh HELP ME ahhhh

Well do you think its true? If not then you wouldn’t want to hear the next story in the adventure would you?


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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