Batman And The BIG Mission To Save Arkham

One day Batman was watching batman action movies, until, CRIME ALERT, showed up on his tv. He immediately got ready by getting all his gear on (but he was 5 minutes because Robin thought it would be funny to mix up the pouches on his utility belt). But when he got there the Joker was already on the loose spreading Happy Gas everywhere in intensive treatment. So Batman had to get up high and glide kick all of the armed thugs ( and when I say armed I mean with guns!). But the thugs weren't affected by the happy gas, Batman assumed that they were using a medicine to reverse the effect. But, if he didn't glide kick them in time Batman would get knocked out by the happy gas. At least it takes 10 gun shots for Batman to get defeated. Once he finished all of the armed thugs off the Riddler hacked into his phones and said he has set a bunch of riddles around the island (Arkham Asylum) Batman figured: to just solve riddles as he made his way to the Joker. But Batman had to glide kick more because the joker sent in more armed thugs. Once he got to the joker he had to defeat thugs with baseball bats and electric zappers, but he just punched them to knock them out while Batman dealt with Harley Quinn, witch, came at him, but he just through her on the floor and left to get to joker. But just as Batman made it to joker, Joker released Bane, he was easy to deal with, because, he just evaded when he charged, so he could bash into a wall and knock him self out. Batman defeated Joker by beating him up. Soon after that Batman was known to be the best super hero ever! ( he also finished all of the riddles). THE END!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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