Jeff The Professor

Jeff the Professor

Jeff is a busy man who is a professor but also owns a candy factory. He has a blue cap that he wears all the time that says 1996 and has a hook, just like the hook he uses to grab the candies for children. People recognise his cap when he goes out for breaks, and they ask him, “can I have candy from your workers?” His cap says 1996 because that was the year that he started the factory. His cap is blue because almost all of the 10, 000 candies that he makes every day are blue and the entire building is blue as well!

There was a man who didn’t want to buy any more of his candies because he always had to pay so much more money than before. He considered stealing all of them at a time, but he thought Jeff would be angry. So he left one behind, which was NOT Jeff’s favourite colour blue but was the opposite, purple. Jeff hated the colour purple so he got very angry.

All the other workers were still in bed, and Jeff woke up early, so the workers couldn’t help. Jeff was busy finding his recipes. He told the police, but they couldn’t find the suspect. Jeff had never got a more annoying time in his LIFE.

That was why they tried making the recipes again, and there was a big mistake in one, so the entire building blew up. They tried to make the building again, and it worked in a year. It was really hard to make the candies again.

They made 5, 000 candies a day, but one day found a wizard who helped them make all of the recipes in one second. The wizard killed the person who stole all the candies with one spell- Avada Kervada Stealer! And got the candies back with Accio Candies!

From that day on Jeff started being NOCTURNAL! In the morning the workers helped and in the night he made sure nobody stole his amazing candies.

Moral: Always be a little bit more careful than you are now.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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