The 5 People Go Ghost-hunting

Wenny : “ Alright guys, Heres your first task. Go find this ghost in the Clinic, It should be easy don't mess this up. “
They all got ready and began. Lets go, The name of the ghost is.. Steve Scott.
A few minutes later when they got into the living room, Betty discovered something..
Betty : “ Wait- THE BOOK! The book was on the table and.. “ shouted. And again,
Kat : “ Huh? “ She was confused.
Betty : “ SEEE?! “ As the book lifted up and fell.
Wenny : “ Yep, totally a ghost. “
They explored more around the house but until..
Kat : “ Uh- Its an Ouija Board
They started asking questions about the ghost but it never answered. This question from Allan was..
Allan : “ How old are you? Steve Scott.. “
It responded as 40 years old..
Kim : “ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! IT KILLED ME!!! “ Kim yelled.. ..As she died.
Kat : “ Shes dead. Uhm. You know what lets get out of here. Nope not today ‘ Steve Scott ‘ nope. “
Wenny : “ Its probably a mare hurry get out- “
They left the clinic with no clues but witnessing it. It was a Mare. Good Game.

??? ???!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
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