Batch Island

“Where am I?” I whispered, “I don’t know, ahhh who are you?” I screamed. “Sorry I’m Addison and you are?” “I’m Sky.” Two other people that have been washed up from the cruise as well rose from the sand. “Hey, I know them they are from the room next door to me on the cruise they are close friends.” I remembered we walked over to them. “It’s Katrina and Hayley right?” “Yeah.” “Hi, I’m Sky and this is Addison we met on the cruise remember?” “Yeah.” Hayley made and designed the shelter because she was an artist and brought along a sketching pad and a pencil. Katrina got the food and water because she brought a packet of matchsticks because she’s a chef she is going to bake the food. Addison brought a knife because she’s a hunter. And I am going to make clothes because I am a designer and I brought a needle. Once we settled in and made camp a storm was coming, BANG goes lightning. “I’m scared” cried Addison. “It’s ok it will be over soon” I whispered.
The next morning, we went out to do our jobs. While I was making clothes, I heard a ROAR. I slowly tip toed into the bush to see what it was. “RUN!” Yelled Addison. “It’s a tiger.” Surely it’s not I wondered but when I walked further in I saw a massive scary tiger on the other side of the island, we had to be careful. Later on, that day we hadn’t seen Addison and Katrina for hours so we went to check on them. “HELP, HELP” cried Addison. We all sprinted towards them. “What’s wrong?” I yelled worried. “Katrina broke her leg.” When we got there, we saw Katrina lying on the ground crying with pain we carried her back to the campground. Hayley and Addison dove into the sea to find seaweed. Once they got back we wrapped Katrina’s leg, while the others did that, I grabbed some bones from the animals we ate and crushed them up with Addison’s knife then soaked it in water and put it on top of the seaweed that was on Katrina’s leg and it made a cast. Once we helped her and made two crutches with strong sticks and seaweed to go under her arms. Then we discussed that we had to move to higher ground level because of the vicious tiger. “I know, we could make a tree house” cheered Addison. After hours and hours, we made a luxurious tree house then we wondered how will Katrina get up here? So, we made an elevator out of sturdy logs and sticks and to make it sturdy we wrapped vines around it and when she needed to get up we grabbed a vine and pulled and the elevator and after all that was finished we made a fence, so the tiger couldn’t get in. By now it was night-time we were so hungry so Addison and I went to grab some fish so when we got to the beach we saw a girl who was in the search party to find us. She ran over then I remember she is my cousin Summer. We took her back and talked about what happened to us and the tiger then we noticed something, it was a bright light then we saw it was the search party. We ran to the boat yelling at the top of our lungs so excited. We ran into the warm grateful arms of our mums and dads and we safely returned home.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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