Marcus Johnson Senior

Marcus Johnson Senior disintegrated the jail bars and escaped out of jail. Marcus lived in Queensland and he was very happy, but I don’t know why? The police shot and torched him.
Marcus could not feel the bullet blow him up at all. The policeman caught him and Marcus bit him like a racoon, but we all don’t know how an Earth did Marcus get away? Marcus ran away and lit a fire a bushfire.
He opened up the petrol and flicked up the stick and throw the fire on the petrol and bang it blow up into flames then the policeman saw, and he caught him and put him into the back of the divvy van and Marcus got locked up in jail so I came to the jail centre and I saw Marcus, so I took him home so that meant that now Marcus Johnson Senior now lived with me. And I was very happy. Marcus is now very evil and happy, but I am now not very happy at all, so I said that he needs to go back into jail right now and I mean it. In jail the policeman gave his phone to Marcus because Marcus persuades the police officer, and the police officer gave Marcus his phone and Marcus played Minecraft all day every day and I was not very happy at all, so I had a good chat to the police officer, and it didn’t go very good at all.
The police officer didn’t agree with me, so I called Marcus’ mum and his dad, and they were not pleased so both mum and dad shot Marcus with a shotgun, so I wrestled them and darted them so then that meant that they were knocked out completely. I called the coppers well the police handcuffed both mum and dad and they locked them up in the prison behind the jail bars and Marcus got free, so he was very peaceful for the rest of his life. I fell apart and so did Marcus his mum and his dad were in pain for exactly no reason and then there was trouble there was a big bared banned bandicoot eating chocolate in the rubbish tip. The bandicoot was named Zahra she was very over weighted so she could not eat anymore so I came over and then she was gone I thought that she just vanished into thin air.
I found Zahra behind my back and she ran of burst into tears, but I don’t know why so I went to try to find her well Zahra her last name is Templeton Zahra Templeton she was dead until Marcus saw NOOOOOOOOO!!! Marcus loved her he was in love with her. It was a joke well that’s what I thought but she was dead it was not a joke, so I needed to say sorry, so I did say sorry. Marcus had a funeral today it was very sad indeed very sad.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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