
On the lone and bare street dreadful screeching filled the air, as the night grew cold. No one heard them, no one came to help, no one cared. The cries of two lovers soon came to an end as an apparent siren pierced the ears of anyone who wanted to hear. Earlier, Jed and Lynette were just entering their favourite restaurant ‘Eternity.’ ‘Eternity’ was known for its inclusivity of everyone, although not everyone liked this idea. Cold eyes glared at Jed and Lynette as they sat down when Jed reached out and grabbed Lynette’s hand.
“Lynnie, we have been dating for a while now and I wanted to give you something to show my love for you.” Said Jed with a warm smile across his face revealing a beautiful necklace with diamonds glimmering from every angle.
Lynette beamed with joy.
Everyone in the restaurant stared at them once again but, whispers overwhelmed the room as more and more people stared at Lynette and Jed. Eyes pierced into Lynette's soul, but she was delighted that she found a man that loved her for who she was on the inside. After a few hours, the restaurant was as bare as a desert, with only one couple left, Jed and Lynette, as the night went on, decided to leave.
As Jed and Lynette walked across the street their laughter came to a halt, as a cold shiver trickled down their spines words with jagged words that seeped from the walls saying, “Daggers need to die.” Murmurs seeped from the bleak alley corridors. Approaching Jed’s Mercedes Benz, they were oblivious of their surroundings and what could occur on a night like this. As they got closer to the car, silhouettes slithered from the alley blocking Lynette and Jed on their path. They did not talk, they did not move, they just stood there, with eyes of envy and antagonism. Jed pushed Lynette back, as his eyes darted making sure no one got near, no one. Suddenly, the silhouettes revealed their faces, rugged, young, with ruthless glint in his eyes, then one of them stood forward towering over Jed and Lynette like a giant.
“What are you two lovebirds, doing so late at night?” questioned one of the men curiously as he lingered closer to the couple as they inched back You guys are a unique couple aren’t you, never seen a blanker or a dagger together” continued the man as the tone in his voice intensifies.
“Well, we are, but before you continue this lovely chat, what’s the names?” says Jed as he feels a sense of confidence over him,
“I am Hunter, this is my gang, we fight for the rights of Noughts,” said Hunter as he directly glared at Jed
“A girl like you really shouldn’t be hanging out with a dagger,” said Hunter impulsively as he stared at Lynette
“Well, she can date whoever she wants, you don’t have a say in anything” replied Jed as he got furious at the response from
After hearing this, Hunter was infuriated, he then pushed Jed to the ground. Chaos had begun. Jed went in for a punch, leaving Hunter with a shattered nose, then Hunter kicked Jed right where it hurt.
The fight intensifies as the sound of a gun came, screaming, shouting, shrieking was now covering the serene sound of the howling wind. Lynette’s necklace was suddenly getting pulled by one of the men, instant coughs stopped her from speaking, she then tried to fight back, but instead, bruises were left all over her body. Soon all the noise dies down and Jed and Lynette are left all alone. NO! Lynette quickly ran to find her handbag and grabbed her phone, soon sirens rang across the street.
The sound of sirens soon died down, the wheel rolling across the floor quickly replaced it. Lynette could not recall anything at all, except that she needed Jed, she wanted Jed, where was Jed? Lynette suddenly fell into a deep sleep. Lynette reluctantly woke up to the sound of a buzzing lamp. She saw her necklace on the bench, not just any necklace, her lover’s necklace. That is when she knew she was all alone.
She had no one.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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