The Abandoned Adventure

On a dark, cold, rainy day there was a little boy Alex in his room thinking about what some boys had said at school. “You’re a scaredy cat, you chickened out, go cry in your room!” This made him feel sad. He decided that the bullying needed to stop…
The next day at school, the boys went up to Alex but before they could say anything, Alex said, “If I’m such a scaredy cat, why am I telling you that I’m going to the old mansion after school?” “WHAT!” They exclaimed. “Liar!” “Watch me!” Screamed Alex! “Sure then!” Yelled the boys. “4pm, don't be late…”
It was 4:05pm at the abandoned mansion and there was Alex, staring at the rusty old broken door. “Oh, the boys are late, I guess I’ll have to go then!” Said Alex loudly as he began walking away. “NU U AH!” Yelled the boys approaching Alex. “Go on!” So Alex turned towards the mansion but then shot gun noises started going off inside! BANG! BOOM!
“AHH!” Yelled Alex running behind a bin. “AHH HELP!” Screamed the boys running down the road. “IF YOU HAVE ANY LAST WORDS THEN SAY THEM NOW ANDY!” (That was what they called Alex.) When the boys had gone, Alex said to himself “I need to show the boys that I'm not a scaredy cat!” So he stood up and started sneaking over to the door. The door creaked open, so he walked inside. Then the door slammed behind him. It was dark so he turned on a light but it started twitching. He didn't know what to do…
“I must do this, I must do this,” said Alex. He walked past cupboards and then “BOO!” Ghosts popped out everywhere! “AHHHH, I THOUGHT GHOSTS AREN'T REAL!” He ran to the door but it was locked! It wouldn't budge! He ran upstairs under a rusty bed. He thought he was safe until… “ARRR.” He saw two huge eyes staring at him! “EEEEK!” Cried Alex as he jumped out and watched a giant figure emerge. He ran into a cupboard a couple rooms away. ‘Maybe I can escape through a window’ he thought. He quietly tiptoed downstairs to a huge window beside the door.
He punched it, it did not move. He punched it again, nothing, not even a crack. He punched it harder. “SERIOUSLY!” He said. “Oh, seriously” he whispered. He punched it really hard! “Ouch!” Screeched Alex. “I think I’ll hit it with something else.” Alex caught sight of something shiny, “A metal bar!” He picked it up and threw it at the window. SMASH!!! Alex jumped through the window and started running. He ran and ran and didn't look back. He ran to his house and crawled under his bed.
The next day, Alex went to school but avoided the boys even more than usual. He did this for weeks and was hoping never to see them ever again.
The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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