Scanvenger Hunt

Day by day ,week by week the small little hamster was curious why the little door appeared on the side of his desk. One day after school he went to his science teacher’s house and showed him photos of the little door. The science teacher was surprised why the door was there and asked “have you opened the door yet” the hamster said “i don’t have the key for it”. So then the little hamster went back home and tried finding the key himself because he hadn't tried finding it yet. He checked his drawer, he checked his shelf but again and again he couldn't find the key so eventually he gave up.
One sunny day he asked his dad to see if he might know where the key is and his dad gave him a clue.The clue was that it was somewhere in the garden hidden by his great grandpa. So the next day he called some friends to come over to his house to find the key and after a couple days of searching he eventually found the key hidden under a cactus.

Everyone was saying hooray hooray hooray, we found the key. Everyone was so happy they had a small party and after the party they took the key to his room and when he opened it he saw a small golden thing but before he could do anything else he got sucked in the little door and when he was there he saw a little monkey holding a gift but then the monkey ran on a path.When the little hamster followed the monkey on the path he saw a obstacle which he has to follow.
The monkey was so quick that he went in a flash then there was a silence pause. The hamster was a little too scared of where this would lead and said to himself “ maybe this is a bit too dangerous” but on the other hand he was more curious of what lies in front so he's going ahead with this.
First there was a vine he thought he could use to swing his way through so he swang all the way to the other side. While he was swinging he saw monkey bars ,rock climbing walls and a zip line all the things he saw were fun to the other kids but he didn’t like it .He was glad he was on the vine .When he finished he saw the monkey .The monkey was holding a wrapped up gift mand he gave it to hamster as an award and then before he could unwrap it Poof ! There was a blur and when he woke up he found himself on the bed and next to him was a small golden bird whistle along with a note. He said to himself “this is what the monkey gave me, did i really go inside that door? Or was it all just a dream, my head really hurts”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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