Off To Africa

“All aboard the Roly Poly Jet!” shouted Roly Poly Bird. Muggle Wump the monkey and his family scurried onto the Roly Poly Bird’s back. “Off we go to Africa!” cried the littlest monkey. “10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, TAKE OFF!” yelled Roly Poly Bird.
As the monkeys took off, the nasty, indescribable Twits were waking from a deep sleep that the hugtight sticky glue had put them in. Earlier that day, Muggle Wump had smeared hugtight glue on them and they had shrunk to the size of a golf ball. “Yay, we are free!” cried Mrs Twit. “Oh shut up you old hag!” shrieked Mr Twit. Just then, Mr Twit glanced out the window and saw that the monkeys were out of their cage. Then he suddenly had a nasty idea. “We are so small because we got the shrinks, so we can go find the monkeys on a bird and catch those rotten animals and get them to stand on their head for the rest of their lives!” he thought.
A few minutes later, the Twits were sneaking up behind a bird so they could ride it to Africa. They had found a hair on the floor that they could use as reins to steer the bird. They climbed out the window and were on the roof in no time at all. They ran and jumped onto the birds back. The bird screeched and flapped its wings in fright. The Twits took a hold of the reins and tugged them twice. The bird took off into the sky. They flew for an hour or so and soon saw the monkeys in front of them. “Jump!” cried Mrs Twit. The Twits stood up, ready to jump. They told the bird to hover above the monkeys. “Aaahhh!” the monkeys shouted. “The Twits are back!” But the Twits had already jumped and were just about to land when “SNAP!” The bird that they thought was on their side had swooped down and eaten them!
“Whoo Hooo!” shouted everyone. “The Twits have been eaten!” Once they had arrived in Africa, they all celebrated with a party that night. The monkeys found the perfect tree to live in. It was a mango tree and it had lots of juicy mangoes on it. They found lots of smooth wood and built a nice, cosy treehouse to live in.
The End


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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