Nature Girl

“Alex!!!” Mum shouted. “We have to go now, it’s happening.”
“What's happening mum, am I going to die?” Alex trembled.
“Honey, I have to tell you something. The story of Jamie Simes.” Mum cried.
“A long time ago, when I was just a kid, Jamie was my best friend, until she thought that I didn't like her because I didn't invite her to my birthday party. She told everyone not to hang out with me but know one listened. She got so angry that she never came back to school.

One day she came back and said, “I will kill all of you in the future. You must prepare or you'll die!!!” She suddenly disappeared and no one has seen her since.

Later they all jumped in the car and Alex's dad started driving. They were in the car for a long time. All they did was eat and look out the window.

Alex's mum broke the silence and said, “Look girls we are in the mountain near the biggest bridge in the world.”
“But why do we have to go across the bridge? Why can't we just stay home?” Alex replied.
“Because of Jamie Simes!!!” Her Mum yelled.

Suddenly Alex's dad stopped the car.
“Dad why did you stop?” Alex yelled.
“Because look at all of the traffic. The bridge must have fallen” the mum whispered.
“We have to go now” yelled the Dad.

Everyone jumped out of the car and started running up the road. Suddenly Jamie Simes appeared and Alex got taken by Jamie and disappeared before anyone could help her.

After about half an hour Alex woke up and saw Jamie starring at her. She was so scared.
“Hello you, I am Jamie Simes and I am here to ask you some questions about your mother. Lets start. First where is she?”
“She was running with me up the road.” Alex replied.
“Who is her husband?” Jamie mumbled.
“I will never tell you because you will kill them.” Alex yelled.
“Oh that's a shame because if you don't tell me then you will be the one dying.” Jamie yelled.

But then she disappeared and Alex was all alone. She had an idea how to escape.

Alex started the first part of her plan, which was to get untied from her chair which was easy because her Mum taught her how to escape any problem. When she got off the chair she went behind a tree to hide. Then she started running. She ran all the way home and told her parents what happened. They gathered weapons and ran back to Jamie. When they got there they saw a clear shot to get Jamie. But Jamie turned around and started fighting back. But Jamie wasn't strong enough to win the fight so she fainted. Alex called the police and she got arrested. They went home and had some tea.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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