Magic Paint

“What’s this? A plant huh? What is it for?” Asked Vivian.
“It must be for something,” replied Alice.
They both thought really hard for what it could be.
Vivian shouted “I’ve got an idea!”
You must be wondering how this happened so let me tell you how.
Vivian had long blond hair with a duck hair clip and Alice had black short hair and a red heart hair clip. Vivian were best friends, they never left each other’s side, they were doing a building competition with Legos and in Alice’s bedroom in the morning when the clock hit eight. Vivian spotted a random door.
“Do you know what that leads to Alice?” Asked Vivian.
“I don’t know what it is, I've never seen it before," replied Alice.
“Let’s go see what it is!” shouted Alice.
They both slowly approached the mysterious door. Vivian thought it could lead to danger but nothing that bad could happen...right?
Just when they were about to enter the door, the room went dead silent. They found themselves stuck in an empty white room. The door was locked and they both couldn’t get out.
“We should not have gone in here," told Vivian while trembling.
“What are we going to do now?” Asked Alice.
“The doors are locked and we just have a flower and seeds for some reason,” replied Vivian.
“I’ve got an idea!” Declared Vivian.
“Maybe just maybe we have to plant it. I'll tell you the rest of my plan later!" Declared Vivian.
They both started taking care of it like giving it water and all that.
Crack! The pot broke... Alice broke it! They both sat there with no more hope for they’ve been there for too long. Alice starts trying to break down the door but it just wouldn’t work! Then Vivian thought to jump off the balcony but when they checked to do it, it was way too high up to jump down they would probably die if they jumped off.
Then suddenly the flower somehow bloomed. They found a key then in the nick of time Vivian snatched it from Alice and put it in the keyhole then it opened both of them jumped into the door. When they got back they told all their relatives and even told their teacher and other friends! But then they spotted another door. What could it lead to?
“Wait no!… Don’t do it!”
To be continued…


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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