
I opened my fragile eyes from my quiet nap, I could see the sun that rose from up above the horizon, it aimlessly beamed through the hazy clouds making the illusion of these blurry balls of fog turning beautiful colours of pink and yellow. Although around this colourful grace of beautiness, dark limited misty clouds occurred on the outside making an eerie feeling. The heaven and sky drew your absolute attention, the salient point to all the colours that had merged. I love living in this small village. It seemed to me everything was perfect and exquisite, feeling like this town was painted in one of Picasso's greatest illustrations.
As every day, it started like another, a chilli breeze swept through the town but a warm temperature fell down on us. The offside mushrooms lightly danced with elegance while I displayed gratitude to this neighbourhood. Meanwhile the pond kindly reflected from the other mushroom houses, but my soul wasn't in it today. I had an overwhelming feeling of doom, and a need of escape.
Emotions rushed through me, coming and going. Fear and anxiety I trembled. Knowing to calm down as stressing out wouldn't help when nothing had happened but it was beyond doubt my home wouldn't have stayed all beautiful and perfect for the 90 years I was planning to be here although today was a special day. It's my Nannas birthday. She is the most special person to me and this is the day of all days, I had a horrible feeling. This day of all days the humans found out about us and the war began…


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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