Gary The Llama

Gary the Llama is a hard working man in the small town of Owensville. Gary works for the Super Secret Llama Agency with his best friend James. The SSLA works on stopping crime all around the world, they have many stations throughout different towns and cities and have slowly become the biggest organization in the world. Gary and James have always been competitive, wanting to be the best llama in the world. Although they still managed to be friends throughout it all.

One day when Gary was off work he got a surprise call. At first he thought it was the agency asking for help but he soon realized it was his dear old mother Martha. But rather than his mother’s voice, he heard a menacing, deep and evil voice. “Gary!” The voice yells. “I have your mother. You will never find her unless I give her up.” The voice exclaims. “I will make you an offer. Leave the Llama Agency and move away forever, only then will I let your mother go. You have 24 hours to make a choice.”

Without a thought Gary packs his equipment and speeds to his mother’s house. Windows are broken and the front door is completely knocked off its hinges. His mother is gone. He scans the whole place for fingerprints. Gary rushes to SSLA as fast as he can. Jess, is in charge of everything to do with fingerprints and can match fingerprints in seconds. “Gary, I managed to find two different fingerprints from the scans you gave me.” she explains. “ One set of fingerprints belongs to Martha, but the second set belongs to James.” A shocked Gary thanks Jess and rushes to James’ house.

In a fit of rage Gary kicks down the door and storms in and starts attacking James. “GIVE ME MY MOTHER!” Gary yells. “You’re too late Gary.” He explains in a menacing voice. Gary calls SSLA and handcuffs James so he can't escape.
He then goes straight to James’ basement to find 4 monitors all displaying surveillance footage from both Gary and Martha's houses. He's been watching them the whole time waiting for a time to strike. What Gary saw next shook him to his core, a fifth monitor displaying footage of his mother dead in the basement of her own house. Since James had cameras rigged in both their homes he knew his plan failed, once Gary left his mothers house James went back and killed her in the basement of her own home.

James was arrested and Gary had the pleasure of testifying against him in court, but no matter what he did nothing could bring his mum back. Many people showed up to Martha's funeral all comforting Gary. Gary didn't care for the sympathy everyone showed him. All he wanted was revenge, he wanted James to suffer the same way he made Martha suffer. Gary decided that he was going to kill James, no matter what it took.

To Be Continued.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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