Magical Alinta

“Xylo where's your homework assignment?” Mrs Hardgrove asked the tall student with wavy brown hair.
“Duuh… my… um… horse ate it! Huh huh huh!” she laughed nervously at her teacher.
Luckily, to Xylo’s relief, the lunch bell rang and class was dismissed but Xylo was stopped when the principal walked in.
“Xylo come with me please,” he said, motioning for her to come forward. Xylo walked to Mr. Demi Cleese's office and sat down. In the other chair there was another girl Xylo had never seen before.
“Xylo meet Alinta. Alinta this is Xylo she will be showing you around the school. You may go now.’
As the girls left the room Xylo got the feeling something strange was going on. Ever since she was little Xylo had been able to tell when something was off. That's when she realized that the strange sense was coming from the aura around Alinta, but Xylo kept quiet.
At lunch Xylo went to sit by herself as usual. She looked around and saw that Alinta was sitting by herself and she seemed to be playing with…fire! Xylo realized why she had sensed something strange in the air. Alinta was a… she couldn’t believe it, was Alinta an Encantan? Xylo had always thought that the Encantans were a myth but it seemed that she had one in her school!
Alinta was in a different English class to Xylo, and when they met up again for Math she noticed Alinta had gone to the bathroom but as she watched with great interest, Xylo saw that Alinta seemed to dance to and from the bathroom with … fire. Blue fire! It bounced in her hands and circled around her feet! Xylo could feel the magic stronger than before. Once Alinta disappeared as she returned to class the magic aura faded with her. As it faded Xylo noticed that she was lightheaded, she felt dizzier and dizzier, until finally, she passed out.
“Xylo? Xylo?” she heard the soft calm soothing voice of her mother.
“Where? Where am I?” asked Xylo.
“You’re at school darling,” replied her mother. Xylo glanced up at the clock. It was 3:09pm. How long had she been out for?
Feeling better, the next day Xylo looked around for Alinta at school. They were becoming very good friends but Alinta was acting strange and Xylo wondered if she knew her at all. What was it about her that made her sense magic?
Xylo and Alinta were in Xylo’s bedroom one afternoon when Alinta blurted, “Xylo I think it’s time you knew the truth. There’s something you should know.” Strange glowing shapes appeared in the air.
“What are you doing?” whispered Xylo fear weaved her words together.
“Grab my hand,” Alinta said reassuringly. Xylo grasped Alinta’s hand firmly. Purple light spread around them until it consumed them. Xylo shielded her eyes and when she opened them she was not in her bedroom.
“This is what I meant by the truth,” Alinta cried sheepishly.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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