Caltex The Monster

My parents and I were going camping in our campervan to Buldgeroo. I haven’t gone camping in a long time, its very exiting. I was helping mum and dad pack the van so we could go. The campervan has a kitchen, 2 beds, a steering wheel, a tv and lounge. The van is white with a little picture of an eagle on the side next to the driver’s window. We were about to set off when we heard something from the neighbours. They said "be careful in buldgeroo, strange things happen all the time". My parents said we will be fine.

When we got tot Buldgeroo there was a strange bush fire for some weird reason. “Its so strange” said mum “its so weird” said dad. It was strange because we were camping in Winter, It was my parent’s choice to go and they said there are no bush fires in Winter. We finally got to the campsite and found our ground. As soon as we got out of the van there was a big earthquake shaking the whole campsite.

At night when I went to bed there was a huge thunderstorm. My parents quickly packed everything that was outside in the van while I was resting in my corner bed. I heard a big crash!! And bang!! from the thunder, it was very loud. All night the storm was waking me up. One part of the night, I heard a big thud on the van roof. I didn’t have any idea of what it was and just thought I’d check in the morning.

The next morning I quickly ran out to see what had thudded on the roof. There was nothing. I said to myself “maybe I was dreaming” so I went back inside to get nice and warm. I wonder why there were so many natural disasters here and only in Buldgeroo. I just remembered what my neighbour told me about that monster in Buldgeroo. I’m pretty sure that it is a monster who can control the weather and natural disasters at any time. I looked up “Buldgereoo monsters ” and it came up with a website called the “Godferd Monsters”. I clicked on it and saw that there were all different types of monsters like the light monster, the night monster, the nature monster, the water monster and the earth monster. There was also the natural disaster monster who was known as the ND monster and named Caltex. It also said that the monsters were extinct many years ago. For some reason the ND Monster came back to life and no one knows how this happened. I warned the police and the royal army to attack this monster and defeat him so there will be no more Godferd Monsters anymore. We will wait and see :)


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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