Parkrun Saturday

Early every Saturday Mum, my little sister Charlie, our dog Roxy and sometimes Dad and I drive to a running park in Brisbane to meet our Nana. There is a playground there as well as lots of birds. Sometimes we are allowed to play at the playground after our 5km walk. On the walk we always meet lots of kind people. Some of them walk, some of them jog and some of them run and we have to look out for people on bikes zooming past ringing their bells.

On the way we cross a bridge and sometimes we see turtles and fish and when we get off the bridge Mum needs to hold Roxy really tight because there are lots of bush turkeys to chase. If we are lucky we just might get to see a Koala high in a gum tree. Charlie and I like to race up the very big hill, I always win because I'm faster and older. When we get to the top we put our hands out for a high five for Nana, Mum and Dad.

My favourite person to talk to is Gloria, she lives at the top of the hill by herself and she loves walking but she doesn't walk the whole park run.

My favourite part of the walk is looking at the water dragon lizards in the creek. I have named a lizard it's name is Missy, she is very small and likes laying in the water with her head sticking out. She looks so cute.

When we get back to the car we have a fruit snack before we drive home for breakfast.

Bye Nana we will see you next week.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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