
Squeak...Squeak. Squeak…Squeak. The pint-sized droplets of rain hastily strike the untarnished windshield as the indefatigable windshield wipers strive to hinder the sprinkles of water aboard the car. Every tenth of a second that elapses is merely a tenth of a second closer to the undesirable. Out of nervousness, the distending desire to continue to scan at the volatile time and to dawdle is stoutly tugging me in. It is exceptionally infuriating having to observe the diminutive, pointy arrow that shifts across the proficient GPS trying to reach its ultimate destination like a scalded cat. I intermittently hear saddening whimpers emanating from behind that seem like the corollary of never-ending anguish. And while this happens, the constant infatuation of despondency continuously comes and goes, but then I remember and enshrine the postulation of no more pain which eventually will become a reality…with a sacrifice.

As my hands are grasping onto the impeccably leathered steering wheel making audacious maneuvers, the solitary thing I see on the squared rear-view mirror is the afflicted eyes of a hurting, conscious life.

Here we are, we reach our destination, a final for one. Where I prudently enter an edifice in which lives are saved and invigorated. Lamentably even lost.

I'm cradling the ponderous weight of a myriad of memories in my tremulous palms.

This is the defining moment.

I am on the extremity, about to lose it all. My soul, my vitality, evocations that could've existed in the succeeding future and even the occasional morning entreaties for indulging treats and delicacies.

I pessimistically heed an acuminate, demoralizing, austere needle sauntering amidst the dexterously, brushed furry integument that has been fondled by the beseeching hands of many.

The poignant eyes I was once staring at are no longer sprightly but rather dormant.

The veritable premonition of deep-rooted complicity smites me, as involuntary, bitter tears lethargically skim right across my rubescent cheeks with an impulse to accelerate right off.

I comprehensively pore over the oblivious, ingénue eyes that recuperate into a deep, insipid slumber. There is no longer adversity...only serenity…

Completely nescient.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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