
I was leisurely sauntering down my street. Unfortunately, my style was cramped by an annoying magpie constantly swooping me, shrieking. Annoying! I ran down the street, magpie on my tail. As I entered a new street, the magpie stopped shrieking, hovered for a second and took off as fast as its feathery wings could take it.
As I caught my breath, I observed the scene around me. I hadn’t seen this street before. Curiously, I wandered out the street, gazing at the houses. I stopped in my tracks. Something was very odd. All the houses were identical. Same roofs, same gardens, same windows, same paint. How creepy. It was really quiet. Too quiet. I cautiously looked around, and crept up to a window. There was a middle-aged woman in white pants and a pink top. She was ironing. I’d never seen someone so intent on ironing. I snuck up to the next window and peered in. I saw the same woman, in the same clothes, doing the same thing. My eyes widened and I stepped away from the window. I considered my choices. I could turn around and leave, or explore more. The more adventurous side of me won. I strolled down the street, staring at everything. Suddenly, all the front doors of the houses opened. Middle-aged men in blue polo shirts and ironed jeans stepped out. They went to their garages and pulled out lawnmowers. The lawnmowers started up in union. The men mowed the front bit, in a straight line, turned and continued in the same pattern. I stared, fascinated. I must have caught their attention, since all their head snapped up towards me. The guy-clones started towards me, blank looks on their faces. I realised that they weren’t planning on a friendly greeting when they moved into the typical martial arts stance. I ran.
The only chance of eluding them I saw was a corner in fence. Hiding behind the fence, I tried to quieten my breath. The men marched by, feet hitting the ground together as one. I pulled out my mobile. I dialled my home number and waited. The weirdest thing happened. The house’s home phone across from me started ringing. What the…?!? I cancelled and rung my home again. Same thing happened. I decided to get out, fast. I took a breath and jumped out of my hiding place. I snatched a glace behind me and wished I didn’t. The whole street had gathered. They must have seen me, because they charged. I screamed. I pumped my legs as fast as they could. The street end came into view. I glanced behind me again. They had gained considerably. Finally I ran out of the street and a few meters away. The mob skidded to a halt at the entry. The people retreated as I got my breath. What just happened? I started towards home, when a shriek pieced the silence. A flutter of black and white feathers swooped around my head. I hate magpies.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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