Games Creator Roblox

I started to scroll on the games list on the App Store and I saw this game called ‘roblox’ and the ratings were out of this world. So I downloaded the game roblox and I made my account and the name was ’Penguinmcsnaks24’. Then the game that caught my eye was ‘Mow the lawn!’ And so I joined the game along with a leaderboard at the top right of my screen plus the game was like mowing grass just like in the real world. So I mowed some of my frist grass patches then I ran out of gas and I was”roblox do make good games”as I thought. Once I left the game I saw who made the game and It wasn’t roblox it was a group called’MouseClick Studio’ and I thought why would they call group names when it could just be your username and also a group like it . Mine would be Penguinmcsnaks24 group for me. When I saw you could make your own game I was like “OMG I can make my own game!!” So I did that and ohhh boy this game would blast like never before. Since I was a good coder I would make this game’s mechanics really good. I grabbed my notebook and pencil, went on the couch and started to sketch what my game would look like,what the mechanics would be and all the small details. After all my sketches and writing my game would be ‘live a life’ you will do like work(at 15year),drive(at 18 L then 19ps for 2years then 21 driver's license),play sports(at 7year) and go to school(including kindergarten all the way to high school). Once I started coding the game and making it it looked good but I saved it because I needed 50 in game currency called ‘robux’ and I asked my dad “dad can I have 800robux it’s 15 dollars” and he said ok but after he said “you can only have what you make off your game thing that your doing alright” he said. Then I said”ok dad”. So once I reloaded my saved process I pushed myself more but made more stuff like different jobs,more planes,money and also more sports. Once the game was launched it was 50robux but then I put in 150 more robux and then made an ad then I spent 100 more robux. I didn’t play roblox for one week because I went on a holiday and forgot to bring my iPad. So once I got back home the game had been the most popular game on roblox and all the passes that I added before my trip the robust profit I had was 50,568.95 thousand robux I was freaking out and I yelled “OH MY CHICKEN FRIED BUTTER I AM SO HAPPY”. Now the 9th Annual Bloxy awards goes to Penguinmcsnaks24 and his game yes thank you so much. The End.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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