
I was a 16 year old, and an outcast, gone by the name, Akio. No one liked me, and neither did I. I used to sit everyday at the back of my class, looking out the window, watching the cherry blossom branches dancing in the wind. It was as if I was re-living everyday, until I saw her.

Her existence seemed unreal. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Suddenly, she looked at me and gave a smile that I could never forget, ever. There wasn't a word that could describe how beautiful she was. My heart skipped a beat, and it felt as if time had stopped.

School had finished, and I wasn't able to see her anywhere. I went to the school library to see if I could go through the student album and see if she was there. Over a thousand pathetic students I had to go through, but I didn't get annoyed since I was ready to do anything for her. Well, I finally found her. Sakura, age 14, birth date 10th of September 1970, and-

I froze. No, this can't be true, I literally saw her a few hours ago. No. Her school profile had her date of death written on it. She was no more, and to make it worse, she had died 2 years ago. I was alone, I left the building with an emotionless face. It had started raining, and I did not bother taking my umbrella out. I deserved the pain of loneliness. I don't know why this was happening, but I saw her again, in front of me. There she was, with the same expression that even money couldn't buy. I covered my mouth and a tear fell out of my eye, I couldn't believe it. She came closer to me and whispered, "The time will come when the Sakura blossoms again".

And she disappeared.

Sakura= Japanese term for cherry blossom]

I ran to my house to search for answers and asked my beloved grandmother. I explained to her about all the incidents that happened today and she gave a slight smile and said, "she is a good spirit, and she was here in this world just for you. By what I've heard from you, she meant that heaven would be welcoming you next year, when the Sakura blossoms."

Ever since that day, I never stopped seeing that spirit. I saw her everyday.

[One year later]

It was time. I stood up and wished my classmates a good life. I didn't feel sad about anything. Infact, I was happy to join my parents in heaven and her. My last day at school had ended and I went to the location where I was meant to belong. I reached up the cliff that was about to give me all the happiness I never deserved.

She came and we both smiled. "It's time, Akio."


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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