The Ancestors Firecrystal

“You’re not getting away with this,” shouted Kyra. “I already have” cackled Jane “I will defeat you!” Jane now had the high ground and Kyra’s heart was pounding! There was a compelling force pushing Jane to crush Kyra. “I will never give up,” screamed Kyra, as the battle raged on ferociously. Kyra slashed Jane with a Firesword, and she screamed with searing pain. Jane blacked out from the pain for 5 whole hours. When she woke up, everything around her was bright and she noticed that an ambulance had carried her home. Kyra was already home.
1 year earlier
“Jane, come out? Hide and seek is over” called Kyra. “Not until you say your fav friend won!” Jane teased. “Oh fine, you win” moaned Kyra. At that moment something caught Jane’s eye as she looked around. It was a rusty and bent key lying near a spider web. She slid the key into the lock on the cellar door, and to her surprise, it opened! Jane climbed down the staircase into a dark corridor. She ventured to the end of the corridor and all that was to be found was a chest. When she looked through it, she found a shimmering crystal! Jane came back out of hiding and asked me, “Kyra, what’s this?” Kyra quivered. “Drop it, Jane, it is the Firecrystal, it will make you evil. ”

1 year later
Kyra went straight to the library to look for a book about the Firecrystal. “No, no, yes! Okay so, the Firecrystal was made by the Lavapixies and the Crystalites combining their magic to make this crystal. As soon as the crystal was born, a dragon took it thinking it was her egg. She made it evil and now it wants to kill the beings who killed its mum. ” Kyra kept on reading until nightfall. “Oh no, I remember that in the book ‘Dragons’ it mentioned that my ancestors killed the dragon and since they aren’t alive, the crystal is after my ancestors' descendants.”

“I know what I must do, I’m going to face Jane alone. If I manage to destroy the crystal then it will stop the connection between My friend and well, it.” (1 hour later) bum bum buum bumm buuuum “who is it?” Jane growled, “Oh, just an old friend of yours.” Kyra giggled “Come in, come in” cackled Jane “ohh, she won’t know what hit her". "Pardon me but, WHAT DID YOU SAY???!!!” yelled Kyra “You know what, never mind” she mumbled….

“Welcome, oh and, why are you here!?” Jane said. “Thank you, I’m here to crush the crystal, the people need this war to end, I need this war to end and, most of all, you need this war to end,” Kyra soothed. “No! Wait, don’t go, I won’t stop you on your quest as I know how much it means to you, buuut, my droids will…” “Amy it’s time for school, you can’t be late! ” called Mum “Fine I’m coming,” I said “bye girls”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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