The Race Through The Gates

As I opened my pill box, I heard the familiar “clink clink” sound of my pill box unlatching. I’d heard this sound every day for the past eight years of my life. But today was different - there was only a brown pill but no yellow pill! I walked quietly through the hallway and headed towards the Heads room to ask for more yellow pills. The Heads had the best room with comfy chairs and expensive decorations whilst we, the Nameless, had to all sleep in a tiny room that smelt damp and sweaty.

“Ow!” A high-pitched scream filled the air. I turned around and saw a horrific scene - a ruler had made contact with a small girl, and this could only mean one thing - she didn’t obey the Head’s rules. The burn. The sting. The pain. I could feel it as if I had been the one hit by the ruler. Every day we heard the propaganda from the loudspeaker: “There is no pain, no arguments and no anxiousness in this wonderful society.” Every time I heard the loudspeakers blaring, I couldn’t help but hold my breath and try to control my thoughts. I would often catch myself thinking of what it would be like if I were free. The Heads said that such thoughts were as dangerous as not taking my daily pills. These thoughts would wreak havoc and cause unpredictable consequences. I thought about all the times that the Heads have said, ‘The government will take care of you. You are very lucky to be in this society as there is no pain, no arguments, and no anxiousness. But remember, the number you will get when you turn 8 will define you for life.’

However, after thinking these unfamiliar emotions, I felt different. I tried to suppress the weird emotions that were bubbling around my heart. I started to contemplate whether this was bad or good. Why was I thinking I should do this?

But then I decided I had enough of this. I have a brain, so I deserve to have control over it. I needed freedom. The hallway creaked as I creeped again into the hallway so that I could escape and leave this insane place. However, as I was reaching the end of the hallway, the wood plank went, “Creak!” That is when I knew there was only one option.

I ran.

“What do you think you are doing, nameless one?” A Head sarcastically asked. I ignored her. There was no time to waste if I wanted to leave this society.




My heart raced as I bolted out the door. Seconds later, a gate appeared before my eyes, but the whole thing was a blur so I could only make out the words Gate of… “Whatever it is, it has to be better than this” I instantly thought to myself. With the Heads millimetres away, I leaped through. As I passed through the gate, I read the sign…

The Gate of Doom.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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