Dovekit’s Life

“Roar”,mewed Dovekit pouncing on her mother Dapplelilly.Dovekit was a gray
she-kit with green eyes and her mother was a dappled blue-gray she-cat.They lived on the outskirts of the forest where the Clans lived. Her mother said “get off me Dovekit”.
“But I don’t want to”,whined Dovekit.
“Come on Dovekit”,said Dapplelilly, “let's go for a walk.

After awhile her mother managed to hustle her out of the den.The fresh morning air smelt like pine needles in the breeze.
Suddenly a small calico tom-kit bounded into camp. “Hi I’m Marsh”,he said. “Get out of our camp”,Dapplelilly snarled. “Okay I’ll leave”,said Marsh, backing away and running into the forest. “I hope that's the last we see
Of him”,Dapplelilly sighed. “If he comes out
for a walk”. again I’ll be super scary and chase him away”said Dove kit trying to look imitating.
“How about we go see Flower?”,asked Dapplilly. “Yay lets go see Flower!”,squealed Dovekit.

As soon as they reached the twolegplace Flower jumped down from a tree.There were boxes and twoleg junk scattered everywhere on the side of the twoleg path. “Well hello”,said Flower in her sly voice. “Would you mind looking after Dovekit?'',Dapplelilly asked. “No I wouldn’t mind”,said Flower.
“Okay I’ll leave her with you”,said Dapplelilly.

Dovekit watched as her mother padded away. “Should we visit the clans”,? asked Flower. “Yeah”,! yelled Dovekit just quiet enough that Dapplelilly couldn’t hear her.

Well they walked they could hear a muffled voice saying “ oh he killed them all he killed them all”.They burst into a camp full of cats.
There were limp bodies of kits on the ground.
“Who are you and what do you know about Tigerstar”,? They turned around, there was a cat behind them. “I know that he has been recruiting cats all around twolegplace”,said Flower.Once she said that Tigerstar yelled “TIGERCLAN ATTACK”!

Cats streamed into camp.Someone grabbed her by the scruff and ran out of camp with her. “Hi I’m Tigerheart, no time to talk”, he said.He chucked her into the undergrowth and raced back to camp.Dovekit hit her head on a large rock and everything went black.
Onwards she went to StarClan.Her eyes fluttered open and she was welcomed to a bright happy clearing.”Welcome” said an unfamiliar cat,”to StarClan”.

The End!


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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