Snow White The Satire Comedy

“Smartphone, Smartphone on a selfie stick, who has the fairest profile pic,” said the Wicked Queen
“Snow White,” said the Phone
“She has 145 followers, you only have 122 followers your majesty,” replied the Phone
The Queen was Snow White’s stepmother but she was always jealous of her because of her fame on social media and so she tried many plans to try and eliminate her so she could be more trending on social media. Each try resulting to be worse than the last. Snow White lived in a cottage far away with 7 dwarfs WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Discord, Reddit, Messenger Pinterest, and Telegram. But the queen had one last trick to try
“I shall poison her and all her fame on Instagram and Facebook should come to me because I am her mother,” said the Wicked Queen
“But your majesty if you poison her and people found out on Facebook, they will say it is true because it was shared on Facebook,” said the Phone
“I will find her and get rid of her for good,” said the Wicked Queen
The next day, the skies were clear, and the forest was as silent as a phone on silent mode. The house was peaceful as Snow White was making a Tik Tok.
Suddenly a women approached the door and asked Snow White
“Do you want an Apple iPhone?”
"Yes, please" replied Snow White
As soon as Snow White touched it, she fell dead to the ground.
The birds started tweeting, the Facebook followers started to read the stories and the news spread faster than viral videos on YouTube.
Snow White was declared dead, and she was in a coffin bed. Suddenly she got one more follower on Snapchat and he sent her a heart emoji, and she was alive once again. The Dwarfs were happy, and they made a plan with Snow White on how to expose the Queen.
Days later Snow White sent a video on Facebook telling everyone how the queen tried to kill her and how she had nearly succeeded. With the message spreading on social media people started to unfollow the queen and soon the queen died because she could not bear to lose all her followers. She broke her phone and died because of depression.
Then everything was good, the dwarfs went back to work and Snow White used Social Media happily ever after.
The End


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