The Body Keeps The Score

I’m leaving the country because I have no friends. Well, no ok I did have friends but now I don’t they all think I’m crazy.
Hi, my name is Abs and I love sports you know if you couldn’t tell Abs like as in Abs on your stomach what a nickname I love it, it makes perfect sense it fits my personality so well the second I get to Mexico. I know the classic flee to Mexico move I bet you have seen that one before hey. The second I get there I start running I get out of my car, and I just run and run with my backpack weighing me down farther and farther I reach a cheap motel and check into a single room I lie down and reset.
Hi, my name is Bigs and I pride myself upon everything school I was accepted into all 8 ivies and there isn’t a day where I’m not doing something school related its like my only personality trait if there is no school I feel as if there is no stars in the sky and what a sight that would be to see.
Hi, my name is Gib and I have done nothing with my life I kind of just sit. I do nothing therefore I am nothing how could I be something without anything to become its impossible I can’t feel anything I am so numb.
3 months later
Hi, my name is Abigail and I’m leaving the country because I have no friends they all think I’m crazy next on the list Australia I will run out of countries to visit soon I’m sure of it but for the mean time I am just plain old Abigail trying to start over for the 5th time this year.

(Ok this might need a bit of an explanation)
Abigail is a young adult with dissociative identity disorder it is where a person has multiple, distinct personalities Abigail has 3 different nicknames and each nickname represents a different one of her personalities everyday when she wakes up a new personality may be represented and when Abigail decides to leave she is back to her normal self. I know it may not be represented very well but I hope you enjoyed it none the less.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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