The Cosmic Web

Long ago before probs and telescopes can see there was the start of a web which grew till it was a giant web later known as the universe. In this web little flies that grew one but of the most annoying flies were known as humans, these humans found a rare element in the web, but they didn’t know it was a web or the creator protected her web with her life. This immortal spider didn’t pay a lot attention to them before but that was soon about to change.

The humans started to send little pieces of carefully constructed metals to observe various parts of her web for what they called ‘looking for precious metals.’ now this got her interested as how could someone looking so close at her web not realize it was a web, harmless, ignorant and stupid she called them. Yet when they discovered the element acting the glue to the web and called it useful, she started keeping a closer eye on them.

Years later they sent out a new type of machine they called a ‘space element extractor’ and the glue either started to fall apart or disappear and straight away she traced it back to the humans. Not knowing that they didn’t know it was pulling apart they universe she went and attacked their world, it was devastating millions died, but there was so many humans and the web protector got overpowered by them, it was an obvious trap. When she retreated, she was furious and went straight to planning.

She knew that if she destroyed their machine, they would just build another one so instead the web protector decided to attack their home world instead. When she arrived there saw an almost defenseless planet and pinned it to the fact that they were all protecting their machine. She went to attack and one of her front legs went to pierce earth’s crust at that moment the threads of the universe started to fray even more and as her leg struck the earth a hole tore in the universes careful weaving and that just set all the frayed patches off, the universe ripped itself apart. Soon all that was still existed was the spider, the space where stars used to shine and the left-over scraps of the once great universe.

So there sat the once great protector of the universe with her destroyed creation, so she did the only thing she could and started weaving a new universe, the one we now know.


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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