The Sickness In The Beast

It was late at night. Jack was going to bed, when his mother called him.
“Jack! Could you do the laundry before you go to bed?” She said.
He went down the stairs to the hallway, which led to the laundry in the basement. As he passed his dad’s office, he noticed that the door was open, which was odd. His dad liked to close the door when he worked so that he didn’t get disturbed. Jack went in slowly and saw a person at the desk. He didn’t recognise the person, so he tried to speak to him.
“Hello? Who are you?” Jack said. The stranger turned around, holding a knife. The person had white skin, and was covered in scars. His eyes were blood red, and the beast’s hands had sharp claws, dripping with venom, and an exposed rib cage. To top it off, one of it’s feet was made of bone.
The beast stopped, confused by what Jack had said. Jack was shocked. He slowly walked past, saying, “o-o-ok, I’m just going to do the laundry.” Jack slowly backed away into the hall. As soon as he closed the office door, Jack turned and ran as he heard the door open. He stopped and looked behind him to see the monster slowly walking towards him. Jack saw the basement door and ran so fast he lost his breath and fainted. The monster caught up and looked at Jack and he was still unconscious so the monster didn’t kill him but when he woke up jack didn’t know where he was, the monster took him away. Jack was never seen again, until 25 years later in 2024.
Every day, the monster came and gave me breakfast but today the monster didn’t come until lunch and he was wearing a black tuxedo with a red tie and Jack started to get woozy and fell to sleep. When Jack woke up he was in the house basement and the monster was gone, Jack got up and walked up the hall to his dad’s office and the door was closed. Jack opened the door and his dad was sitting at his desk like nothing happened. Jack went to his friend Leo’s house and told him everything and Leo said “you’re in trouble.”


25 was established in 1997, and since then we have successfully completed numerous short story and poetry competitions and publications.
We receive an overwhelming positive feedback each year from the teachers, parents and students who have involvement in these competitions and publications, and we will continue to strive to attain this level of excellence with each competition we hold.


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